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If you are given the power to put peace in the world, how would you go about it?

Does the Quran prohibit modern day palm reading, astrology and tarot reading?

Will the reference title 'Ahmadiyya' be dropped once most of the world has accepted Promised Messiah?

What is the punishment of committing suicide?

Why are the non-Ahmadis not known as Muhammadans?

Are all types of raffles, draws and lotteries considered gambling?

What will be the relationship between the Caliph and the world leaders once Ahmadiyyat becomes dominant?

How can one overcome the difficulty of waking up for the Fajr prayer?

How much freedom should scientists be given in the area of Genetic Engineering?

Why do Muslims believe that Jesus ascended to heaven as Christians do with Easter?

Why is the Eid Sermon delivered after Eid prayers whereas the Friday Sermon is delivered before Friday prayers?

Why do Christians believe that every child is born sinful?

Why are some copies of the Quran with English translation printed left-to-right whereas other are printed right-to-left?

Are non-Muslims prohibited from touching the Quran?

Should one read the Quran in Arabic, even if they are a new convert?

How do you envision Ahmadiyyat for the next 100 years?

Is raising one’s index finger during prayer meant to signify that God is one?

Is capital punishment still justified in today's civilization?

What is the Islamic view on life insurance since it is similar to travel insurance?

Can Zuhr and Asr prayers be combined if one only gets a chance to say prayers during their lunch time?

Why is burial preferred to cremation and can cremation be permitted in certain situations?

What is the concept of Trinity according to Islam?

How can God permit atrocities to be committed against innocent people?

How have your personal experiences proved to you that God exists?

What is Islam’s position on women being ordained as priests?

Why does the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community provide social services without considering the benefit it receives in return?

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